You can even download the output code as a file for convenience. Simply paste in your code and then click the Minify button to output the minified code. and (CSS and JS) – These two minifiers by Andrew Chilton are simple to use.Once you hit the compile button, it will minify (or compile) the code for you as well check your code for any errors. For example, you choose to optimize your code for Whitespace only if you want. You can pull in your Javascript using by entering the URL of the js file location and then choose how you want the code to be optimized and formatted. It allows you to minify your Javascript along with other helpful optimizations. Closure Compiler (JS only) – Closure Compiler is part of Closure Tools, a suite of tools from Google Developers.Since many of these can minify more than one code type, I’ve included the code type options in parenthesis. Here is a list of some helpful tools to get your started. Minification has become standard practice in the world of web design so it shouldn’t surprise you to learn that there are a lot of wonderful (and free) tools out there to do the work for you. Thankfully, you don’t have to be a developer or know any of the programming languages in order to minify your site files. Online Tools to Minify Your Files Manually Take my advice and use the tools at your disposal. But you would run a high risk of error and needlessly shave valuable time off or your life! So, if you wanted to do this manually by hand, technically you could. Obviously, this is just a small example using a snippet of CSS code, but you can imagine the the amount of space this would save when minifying thousands of lines of code.

Here is an example of what CSS minification looks like.ĬSS Before Minification /* Layout helpersĬSS After Minification. We minify the files of a website containing CSS, HTML, and Javascript code so your web browser can read them faster. These characters include whitespaces, line breaks, comments, and block delimiters which are useful for us humans but unnecessary for machines. The term “minify” is programming lingo that describes the processes of removing unnecessary characters in the source code. How fast your site loads is not only important for first time visitors, but it is also important for moving search engine ranking.

Now we aren’t talking about cutting your page load speed in half or anything, but when it comes to the speed of your website, any little bit helps. The output of the -minify run is very confusing - the ^ point to valid html.When you minify your website’s CSS, HTML, and Javascript files, you can shave some valuable time off of your site’s page load speed. Please excuse typos, I do fast releases!",ĮRROR 2 17:12:03 parse error:1:633: expected comma character or an array or object endingġ: ection id=recent-posts>Recent PostsSimple Just-in-Time RDP/SSH Access to Azure VMNovember 20, 2018Azure Policy: Audit Installed ApplicationsNovember 15, 2018Penny Pinching: Migrating App Service to Azure Storage Website HostingNovember 11, 2018Įrror: Error building site: failed to render pages: parse error:18:32: expected comma character or an array or object ending So well, this year I aim at 20 posts – lets see how it goes. Two years ago I attended the very last SharePoint Conference in Las Vegas and crafted 30 blog posts – and got good feedback afterwards.

Hugo server -minify: Building sites … ERROR 2 17:12:03 parse error:22:15: expected comma character or an array or object endingĢ2: 14:00 – 15:00 Advanced programming of Bots with LUIS and Cognitive Services – hands on!ĮRROR 2 17:12:03 parse error:7:291: expected comma character or an array or object endingħ: Welcome to my almost live coverage of the Ignite 2016 in Atlanta, Georgia. But it gives me errors I cannot understand: I am trying to use the -minify switch in hugo v51.